Thursday, February 23, 2017

Batman Valentine's Day Box

Valentine's Day Box again!  I actually love making these.  This year J wanted Batman. I asked if he wanted an actual Batman head/torso or a Batmobile.  He chose the latter.

Here is our Batmobile!

I put everything on this time with spray adhesive and liked that option a lot. I printed the batman symbol for the hood and hubcaps. The yellow window looked bare so I quickly cut out a Batman silhouette (which J really liked - "he's driving!")

 The opening for Valentine cards is in the back under the 'flames'
For the flames, I used half of a toilet paper roll and orange tissue paper.

J - "One of my friend's said my box was his favorite!" :)


  1. This is really cool. I'm definitely going to have to show my 6yr old lil boy this one. 🙂

  2. Hi! I see this is from 2019 so I don’t know if I’ll get an answer, but what did you use as the black for the car? Is it construction paper? Thanks!
